Andrei Nejur


Andrei Nejur, PhD arch.


Andrei is a practicing architect, an educator with over 16 years of experience in architectural higher education. He holds a bachelor a masters and a PhD in Architecture and computation – (with highest distinction) from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania and is presently Associate Professor at the University of Montreal Faculty of Environmental Design in Quebec, Canada.

Andrei is a researcher in Digital Design, Advanced Fabrication and Structural Form-Finding (3d Graphic Statics) and a recognized developer of architectural software tools. One of his software tools dedicated to mesh segmentation and unfolding for digital fabrication, Ivy for Rhino/Grasshopper, is used by digital design enthusiasts, installation makers, researchers and teachers from all over the world.

Andrei is a principal investigator and the lead software developer for another important generative design tool used for structural form finding in early stage design. It is the first ever created 3d Graphic Statics platform dedicated to structural form-finding using reciprocal polyhedral structures. It is a Rhinoceros add-on called PolyFrame.

Andrei’s research and development work were recognized and then further extended through a prestigious postdoctoral Fulbright fellowship at UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY – COLLEGE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN in 2015-2016. In 2018 he concluded another postdoctoral fellowship at UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA – SCHOOL OF DESIGN where he continues to work as a primary researcher and developer with the Polyhedral Structures Laboratory at UPenn.